Room 20 have had an audio conference with some experts on the Waterview Connection project. Here are some notes and answers I have written down. Here is the link to the conference recording.
- Why are you building the tunnel instead of a cheaper road above? - Suhail
Would have to destroy houses.
- Have you ever encountered any problems while building this? If so, what were they?- Lucas (Me)
There has been minor problems but has been fixed quickly. They have been looking into the future, and have been trying to solve it before it came.
- What happens if Alice breaks? - Maggie
They have a big maintenance program. No major issues, a few minor issues that have been fixed easily.
- Were there other things you were saving up for at the time but couldn’t do them because you chose the waterview connection project? - Lizzy (Alice speaking)
(Couldn’t get anything)
- Did you bulldoze any houses? If so, did they get built something out? - Kendrix
Lots of things was reused, and there were 113 houses bulldozed, but they moved and they were happy with their new location
- Our teacher drives to school along state highway 20, and we have figured out that it takes 25% longer for him to drive to work over 2 years. Will this project make it longer to get to work because of all the new cars? - Pentagons (Harris speaking)
I'm glad you have focused on our questions we asked. You have made it easy to read by using italics.