
Friday, 28 August 2015

Scratch Programs - Sphere Factory With MLG Song

Scratch is a programming language. On, you can program your on games and tools. I have got my on Scratch account, Solarid. Here is the link to my account I have started a program, and I will update it every now and then. This program is called Sphere Factory with MLG song. If you want to go full screen, see what the song is, or the update notes, go to this site: Also, there may be some bugs on this because I am in the middle of updating this.


Ever heard of The Bauble Factory? I got got inspired by that. The rules are basically the same. I will fix some glitches in a later update. If you haven't heard of it, here is the link:

If you don't wanna click the link, then here are the basic rules. You buy the red machine, and keep clicking the red machine until you have at least 5 spheres. Click the green sell button, and you will have sold them!


1 comment:

  1. This is AWESOME but what do you do with your money after?


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